Thursday, December 18, 2008

in anticipation

i hope all one person reading this shows up. we have some beers and i have 2 spectacular photographic prints to trade. mostly, this thing is going to be about setting up the format, but you can't do that without a coozie covered beer in hand. hope to see you all there.

Again, cafe loftus on 15th. we'll be there till about 9.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Change of venue

Hey folks, just a heads up. We are having to move it across the street due to a complication with the space. I'll let everyone know ASAP what the new deal is.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Second Poster for PPT

Beginning of a beautiful thing

Starting December 18th at 7pm, the Philly Print Trade is offically on. Every third Thursday evening of each month, we'll meet to show art on paper whether it's photography, printmaking, drawing or whatever. The goal is to create an open forum where anyone can feel comfortable showing their work and talking about it with other artists. Another goal of the group is to be able to exchange art for art rather than having to dole out money that might be better served going towards a case of Raman noodles or the electric bill.
For now we'll be meeting at 1500 Sansom St. in Chris Gabello's studio, but the venue may change month to month depending on availability. You can find out all information here about anything like that.
So roll out people since the Holidays are here and you might get some rad print for your special someone for nuttin'.